This guide is provided by Conductor, the service that powers the QuickBooks Desktop integration for many business tools, including the one that sent you here.

Rightworks (formerly Right Networks) hosts QuickBooks Desktop in the cloud, allowing you to access it remotely. While we fully support connecting to Rightworks, there is one important limitation you must remember:

Important: To sync data with your QuickBooks Desktop, you must be actively connected to your Rightworks remote desktop session with QuickBooks Desktop open. This is because Rightworks stops all background programs when you disconnect from your session.

Step 1: Verify or install the QuickBooks Web Connector

Connecting to QuickBooks Desktop on Rightworks requires the QuickBooks Web Connector to be installed on your Rightworks remote desktop. The Web Connector is a small program that enables secure communication between QuickBooks Desktop and external applications. Let’s first verify that it’s installed on your Rightworks computer.


Check if the Web Connector is installed

  1. Connect to your Rightworks remote desktop.
  2. Click the Windows Start menu.
  3. Type “Web Connector”.
  4. Look for “QuickBooks Web Connector” in the search results.

If you find it, skip to the next section of this guide. If not, continue with the installation step below.


Install the Web Connector

If you don’t find the Web Connector in your Start menu, you can install it from the Rightworks Dashboard:

  1. Log in to your Rightworks Dashboard.
  2. Select “My Apps” in the left sidebar.
  3. In the search bar, type “Web Connector”.
  4. Locate “QuickBooks Web Connector” in the results.
  5. Click the ”+” button next to it to add it to your account.
  6. Wait 5-10 minutes for the installation to complete.
  7. Connect to your Rightworks remote desktop and verify the Web Connector is now installed using the steps above.

Step 2: Configure the Web Connector to start automatically

Now that we’ve confirmed the Web Connector is installed, we must ensure both QuickBooks Desktop and the Web Connector start automatically when you log into Rightworks.


Contact Rightworks support

You must contact Rightworks support to configure the Web Connector to start automatically. This cannot be done on your own. Visit Rightworks Support to begin.

Rightworks support is available Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM ET.


Start a support chat

On the Rightworks support page, click the yellow “Chat” bubble in the bottom-right corner to start a live chat (there is no email or phone support available for this task).


Provide your account information

In the chat window, provide the full name and email address associated with your Rightworks account. This is typically the information for the person at your company who set up your Rightworks account.


Request to add the Web Connector to your startup programs

Copy and paste this exact message to the Rightworks support agent:

Hello! Could you please configure our Rightworks account to ensure
that BOTH of the following applications are added to our startup
items and automatically launch in the background every time we sign
into our Rightworks instance?

1. QuickBooks Web Connector
2. QuickBooks Desktop

We need BOTH applications to launch automatically.

Please apply this setting for ALL USERS on our Rightworks account.

Confirm the changes with the support agent

  1. Wait for the support agent to confirm that the Web Connector has been added to your startup programs.
  2. Sign out and sign back into your Rightworks desktop session for the changes to take effect.

That’s it! From now on, the QuickBooks Web Connector will automatically start every time you connect to Rightworks, ensuring a stable connection to your QuickBooks Desktop company file.