This guide is provided by Conductor, the service that powers the QuickBooks Desktop integration for many business tools, including the one that sent you here.

The QuickBooks Web Connector is a program that comes preinstalled with QuickBooks Desktop that Conductor uses to securely sync your data. This program always runs invisibly in the background on your computer and starts automatically whenever you start your computer. If it does not start automatically, Conductor cannot reliably sync your data.

If you are having trouble syncing your data, please follow the steps below to ensure that the Web Connector starts automatically when you start your computer. If we discover it does not, we will configure the Windows Task Scheduler to start the Web Connector automatically.

1. Check if the Web Connector starts automatically when you start your computer

First, let’s check whether the Web Connector starts automatically when you start your computer:


Restart your computer

Restart your computer so we can check in the next step whether the Web Connector automatically starts when your computer starts.


Check the Task Manager for the Web Connector

After your computer finishes booting up, the Web Connector should automatically start invisibly in the background. Let’s check if it is running:

  1. Open the Windows Task Manager by searching for “Task Manager” in the Windows search bar (usually located in the bottom-left corner of your screen).

  2. If you see a “More details” button in the bottom-left corner of the Task Manager window, click it to expand the Task Manager.

  3. Navigate to the “Details” tab and scroll down until you see the “QBWebConnector.exe” process which should look like the screenshot below. If you see it, you can skip the rest of this guide. Otherwise, continue to the section below.

    The Web Connector running in the Task Manager

2. Configure the Web Connector to start automatically using the Windows Task Scheduler

After confirming that the Web Connector does not start automatically when you start your computer in the previous section, we will now configure the Windows Task Scheduler to start the Web Connector automatically.


Open Windows Task Scheduler

Open the Windows Task Scheduler by searching for “Task Scheduler” in the Windows search bar (usually located in the bottom-left corner of your screen).


Create a new task

In the Task Scheduler, go to the “Action” menu and select ”Create Task“.

Task Scheduler create task

General tab

In the “General” tab of the new task window:

  1. Enter any name for your task, such as “Open QuickBooks Web Connector”.

  2. Check the option ”Run with highest privileges” near the bottom to ensure the task runs with administrator rights.

Task Scheduler general tab

Set trigger for startup

Go to the ”Triggers” tab and click ”New“.

  1. Under “Begin the task”, select ”At startup” from the dropdown menu.

  2. Set a delay for 1 minute by checking “Delay task for” and choose “1 minute”.

Finally, click ”OK“.

Task Scheduler new trigger

Get the file path for the Web Connector

  1. Using Windows search (usually located in the bottom-left corner of your screen), type ”Web Connector”, right-click on the Web Connector result, and select ”Open file location“.

  2. In the folder that opens, you should see a shortcut for the Web Connector. Right-click on the Web Connector icon and select ”Properties” from the context menu to open the Properties window.

  3. In the Properties window, as shown below, copy the file path in the ”Target” field. You can do this by selecting the text and pressing Ctrl + C on your keyboard. Then click ”Cancel” to close the Properties window.

    Copy the Web Connector file path

Set action to start QuickBooks Web Connector

Go back to the Task Scheduler window and go to the “Actions” tab. Click ”New” and paste the file path you copied in the previous step into the ”Program/script” field by right-clicking and selecting ”Paste” from the context menu. Then click ”OK“.

Task Scheduler new action

Configure settings to retry

In the “Settings” tab, check the option ”If the task fails, restart every” and set the value to ”1 minute” and the ”Attempt to restart up to” value to ”3 times”. Then click ”OK“.

Task Scheduler settings tab

Save and exit

Click ”OK” to save your new task. You might be prompted to enter an administrator password at this point.


Test the task

Finally, test your task by restarting your computer, waiting one minute, and confirming that the QuickBooks Web Connector opened automatically after startup using the same steps as in the first section of this guide.

By following these steps, the QuickBooks Web Connector will now always start automatically whenever you start your computer.

If you’re still having trouble after completing all steps, please email us at