This guide is provided by Conductor, the service that powers the QuickBooks Desktop integration for many business tools, including the one that sent you here.

If Conductor is unable to sync your QuickBooks Desktop data, you may see the following error:

Your QuickBooks Desktop connection is not active. It was last active...

This error means Conductor cannot connect to the QuickBooks Web Connector on your computer. The Web Connector is a program that comes preinstalled with QuickBooks Desktop that quietly runs in the background on your computer and allows Conductor to securely sync your QuickBooks Desktop data.

Please follow the steps below to troubleshoot this error.

Troubleshooting your connection


Is your computer on?

For the Web Connector to run, your computer must be on and connected to the internet. If your computer is off, turn it on and try again.

If you are still receiving the error, “Your QuickBooks Desktop connection is not active”, continue to the next step.


Did the Web Connector open when your computer started?

It is possible that the Web Connector did not start when you started your computer. If the Web Connector does not start automatically, Conductor cannot reliably sync your QuickBooks Desktop data. To ensure this is not the case, please follow this guide

After completing that guide, please try syncing your QuickBooks Desktop data again. If you are still receiving the error, “Your QuickBooks Desktop connection is not active”, continue to the next step.


Try manually opening the Web Connector

We strongly recommend you follow the guide linked above to ensure the Web Connector always starts automatically for Conductor to reliably sync your QuickBooks Desktop data.

However, if you are in a rush and need to sync your QuickBooks Desktop data immediately, you can manually open the Web Connector by following these steps:

  1. Open QuickBooks Desktop with the company file you want to sync.

  2. Open the QuickBooks Web Connector by clicking ”File” in the top menu bar, selecting ”App Management”, and then selecting ”Update Web Services“.

  3. Finally, click ”Hide” in the bottom-right corner of the window that opens.

After following these steps, please try syncing your QuickBooks Desktop data again.

If you are still receiving the error, “Your QuickBooks Desktop connection is not active”, after completing the steps above, please email us at