The authentication flow in Conductor is a user interface walkthrough that allows your users to securely connect their QuickBooks Desktop installation to their Conductor account. For an example, check out this demo of the auth flow.

There are two main approaches to integrating the auth flow with your application:

  1. Integrate the auth flow with your backend to manage multiple users and connections.
  2. Generate shareable auth links for getting started quickly or one-off connections.

Integrate the auth flow with your backend

If you are building a multi-user service where each user needs to connect their QuickBooks Desktop account to your application, you’ll want to integrate Conductor’s QuickBooks Desktop auth flow into your backend.


Create an EndUser

Consider you have an end-user of your application who needs to connect their QuickBooks Desktop to your application. Begin by creating an EndUser for that user and saving their id to your database. You will use this id to match your users to their corresponding QuickBooks Desktop connection in Conductor.

If your database has a users table, consider creating a column called conductor_end_user_id.

Create an EndUser
import Conductor from "conductor-node";
const conductor = new Conductor("{{YOUR_SECRET_KEY}}");

// Replace the placeholders with your actual data.
const endUser = await conductor.endUsers.create({
  companyName: "{{END_USER_COMPANY_NAME}}",
  sourceId: "{{UNIQUE_ID_FROM_YOUR_DB}}",
  email: "{{END_USER_EMAIL}}",

// Save the EndUser ID to your database.
await db.users.update({

Check if the EndUser has an active QuickBooks Desktop connection

The next step is to initiate an AuthSession for your user to connect their QuickBooks Desktop. However, what if they already has an active connection? Or, what if they previously started the auth flow but didn’t complete it?

Imagine your application has a web app where your users configure the integrations with their application. If you create a section for the QuickBooks Desktop integration, you can use the following approach to track whether an active connection already exists:

Check the connection status
try {
  // Ping to check the connection status.
  await"{{END_USER_ID}}", "quickbooks_desktop");
  updateUI("QuickBooks Desktop is successfully connected!");
} catch (error) {
  if (error instanceof ConductorIntegrationConnectionError) {
    if (error.code === "INTEGRATION_CONNECTION_NOT_SET_UP") {
      // Initiate an AuthSession if the user never started or completed the auth flow.
      const authSession = await conductor.authSessions.create({
        publishableKey: "{{YOUR_PUBLISHABLE_KEY}}",
        endUserId: "{{END_USER_ID}}",
      updateUI("Set up your QuickBooks Desktop connection: " + authSession.authFlowUrl);
    } else {
      // Display connection errors for your user to resolve.
      updateUI("An error occurred: " + error.userFacingMessage);
  } else {
    throw error;

Note: Replace updateUI() with your actual code that updates your application’s UI based on the status or errors received.

For a quick start, particularly useful for pilot deployments or small-scale operations, generate a secure, shareable link for the QuickBooks Desktop auth flow:


Create an EndUser

If you haven’t already done so, create an EndUser and save their id. You will use this id to authenticate future requests.


Create an AuthSession

Using the EndUser ID, create an AuthSession with an extended link expiry time if needed:


Share the auth flow link

Share the generated authFlowUrl with your end-user to direct them to the auth flow to connect their QuickBooks Desktop instance to your application.

The link will resemble this mock example:{{YOUR_PUBLISHABLE_KEY}}