Conductor provides powerful, fully-typed SDKs for Node.js and Python that provides a top-tier developer experience for integrating QuickBooks Desktop. Both SDKs provide:

  • Full API coverage
  • Type safety and autocomplete for every endpoint, parameter, and response field
  • Inline docs for all fields and methods
  • Automatic request retries
  • Comprehensive error handling
  • async/await operations
  • Modern API design patterns

Node.js SDK

See the Node.js SDK Documentation for more details.

import Conductor from "conductor-node";

const conductor = new Conductor({
  apiKey: "{{YOUR_SECRET_KEY}}",

async function main() {
  // Fetch the first page of invoices
  const invoices = await conductor.qbd.invoices.list({
    conductorEndUserId: "{{YOUR_END_USER_ID}}",


Python SDK

See the Python SDK Documentation for more details.

pip install conductor-py
import os
from conductor import Conductor

conductor = Conductor(

# Fetch the first page of invoices
invoices = conductor.qbd.invoices.list(