Create an inventory item
Creates a new inventory item.
Your Conductor secret key using Bearer auth (e.g., "Authorization: Bearer {{YOUR_SECRET_KEY}}"
The ID of the EndUser to receive this request (e.g., "Conductor-End-User-Id: {{END_USER_ID}}"
The case-insensitive name of this inventory item. Not guaranteed to be unique because it does not include the names of its hierarchical parent objects like fullName
does. For example, two inventory items could both have the name
"Cabinet", but they could have unique fullName
values, such as "Kitchen:Cabinet" and "Inventory:Cabinet".
Maximum length: 31 characters.
The income account used to track revenue from sales of this inventory item.
The Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) account for this inventory item, tracking the original direct costs of producing goods sold.
The asset account used to track the current value of this inventory item in inventory.
The inventory item's barcode.
Indicates whether this inventory item is active. Inactive objects are typically hidden from views and reports in QuickBooks. Defaults to true
The inventory item's class. Classes can be used to categorize objects into meaningful segments, such as department, location, or type of work. In QuickBooks, class tracking is off by default.
The parent inventory item one level above this one in the hierarchy. For example, if this inventory item has a fullName
of "Kitchen:Cabinet", its parent has a fullName
of "Kitchen". If this inventory item is at the top level, this field will be null
The inventory item's stock keeping unit (SKU), which is sometimes the manufacturer's part number.
The unit-of-measure set associated with this inventory item, which consists of a base unit and related units.
The default sales-tax code for this inventory item, determining whether it is taxable or non-taxable. This can be overridden at the transaction-line level.
Default codes include "Non" (non-taxable) and "Tax" (taxable), but custom codes can also be created in QuickBooks. If QuickBooks is not set up to charge sales tax (via the "Do You Charge Sales Tax?" preference), it will assign the default non-taxable code to all sales.
The description of this inventory item that appears on sales forms (e.g., invoices, sales receipts) when sold to customers.
The price at which this inventory item is sold to customers, represented as a decimal string.
The description of this inventory item that appears on purchase forms (e.g., checks, bills, item receipts) when it is ordered or bought from vendors.
The cost at which this inventory item is purchased from vendors, represented as a decimal string.
The tax code applied to purchases of this inventory item. Applicable in regions where purchase taxes are used, such as Canada or the UK.
The preferred vendor from whom this inventory item is typically purchased.
The minimum quantity of this inventory item at which QuickBooks prompts for reordering.
The maximum quantity of this inventory item desired in inventory.
The current quantity of this inventory item available in inventory. To change the quantityOnHand
for an inventory item, you must create an inventory-adjustment instead of updating this inventory item directly.
The total value of this inventory item. If totalValue
is provided, quantityOnHand
must also be provided and must be greater than zero. If both quantityOnHand
and purchaseCost
are provided, then totalValue
will be set to quantityOnHand
times purchaseCost
, regardless of what totalValue
is explicitly set to.
The date when this inventory item was converted into an inventory item from some other type of item, in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD).
A globally unique identifier (GUID) you, the developer, can provide for tracking this object in your external system. This field is immutable and can only be set during object creation.
IMPORTANT: This field must be formatted as a valid GUID; otherwise, QuickBooks will return an error.
The unique identifier assigned by QuickBooks to this inventory item. This ID is unique across all inventory items but not across different QuickBooks object types.
The type of object. This value is always "qbd_inventory_item"
The date and time when this inventory item was created, in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss±hh:mm). The time zone is the same as the user's time zone in QuickBooks.
The date and time when this inventory item was last updated, in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss±hh:mm). The time zone is the same as the user's time zone in QuickBooks.
The current QuickBooks-assigned revision number of this inventory item object, which changes each time the object is modified. When updating this object, you must provide the most recent revisionNumber
to ensure you're working with the latest data; otherwise, the update will return an error.
The case-insensitive name of this inventory item. Not guaranteed to be unique because it does not include the names of its hierarchical parent objects like fullName
does. For example, two inventory items could both have the name
"Cabinet", but they could have unique fullName
values, such as "Kitchen:Cabinet" and "Inventory:Cabinet".
The case-insensitive fully-qualified unique name of this inventory item, formed by combining the names of its hierarchical parent objects with its own name
, separated by colons. For example, if an inventory item is under "Products:Electronics" and has the name
"Widgets", its fullName
would be "Products:Electronics:Widgets".
NOTE: Unlike name
, fullName
is guaranteed to be unique across all inventory item objects. However, fullName
can still be arbitrarily changed by the QuickBooks user when they modify the underlying name
The inventory item's barcode.
Indicates whether this inventory item is active. Inactive objects are typically hidden from views and reports in QuickBooks. Defaults to true
The inventory item's class. Classes can be used to categorize objects into meaningful segments, such as department, location, or type of work. In QuickBooks, class tracking is off by default.
The parent inventory item one level above this one in the hierarchy. For example, if this inventory item has a fullName
of "Kitchen:Cabinet", its parent has a fullName
of "Kitchen". If this inventory item is at the top level, this field will be null
The depth level of this inventory item in the hierarchy. A top-level inventory item has a sublevel
of 0; each subsequent sublevel increases this number by 1. For example, an inventory item with a fullName
of "Kitchen:Cabinet" would have a sublevel
of 1.
The inventory item's stock keeping unit (SKU), which is sometimes the manufacturer's part number.
The unit-of-measure set associated with this inventory item, which consists of a base unit and related units.
The default sales-tax code for this inventory item, determining whether it is taxable or non-taxable. This can be overridden at the transaction-line level.
Default codes include "Non" (non-taxable) and "Tax" (taxable), but custom codes can also be created in QuickBooks. If QuickBooks is not set up to charge sales tax (via the "Do You Charge Sales Tax?" preference), it will assign the default non-taxable code to all sales.
The description of this inventory item that appears on sales forms (e.g., invoices, sales receipts) when sold to customers.
The price at which this inventory item is sold to customers, represented as a decimal string.
The income account used to track revenue from sales of this inventory item.
The description of this inventory item that appears on purchase forms (e.g., checks, bills, item receipts) when it is ordered or bought from vendors.
The cost at which this inventory item is purchased from vendors, represented as a decimal string.
The tax code applied to purchases of this inventory item. Applicable in regions where purchase taxes are used, such as Canada or the UK.
The Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) account for this inventory item, tracking the original direct costs of producing goods sold.
The preferred vendor from whom this inventory item is typically purchased.
The asset account used to track the current value of this inventory item in inventory.
The minimum quantity of this inventory item at which QuickBooks prompts for reordering.
The maximum quantity of this inventory item desired in inventory.
The current quantity of this inventory item available in inventory. To change the quantityOnHand
for an inventory item, you must create an inventory-adjustment instead of updating this inventory item directly.
The average cost per unit of this inventory item, represented as a decimal string.
The number of units of this inventory item that have been ordered from vendors (as recorded in purchase orders) but not yet received.
The number of units of this inventory item that have been sold (as recorded in sales orders) but not yet fulfilled or delivered to customers.
A globally unique identifier (GUID) you, the developer, can provide for tracking this object in your external system. This field is immutable and can only be set during object creation.
The custom fields for the inventory item object, added as user-defined data extensions, not included in the standard QuickBooks object.