Health check
Checks whether the specified QuickBooks Desktop connection is active and can process requests end-to-end. This is useful for showing a “connection status” indicator in your app. If an error occurs, the typical Conductor error response will be returned. As with any request to QuickBooks Desktop, the health check may fail if the application is not running, the wrong company file is open, or if a modal dialog is open. Timeout is 60 seconds.
Your Conductor secret key using Bearer auth (e.g., "Authorization: Bearer {{YOUR_SECRET_KEY}}"
The ID of the EndUser to receive this request (e.g., "Conductor-End-User-Id: {{END_USER_ID}}"
200 - application/json
Returns an object with the duration of the health check in milliseconds. Returns an error if the health check fails, for which we strongly recommend displaying the property `error.userFacingMessage` to your end-user in your app.
The time, in milliseconds, that it took to perform the health check.
The status of the health check.
Allowed value: