Retrieve a sales receipt
Retrieves a sales receipt by ID.
Your Conductor secret key using Bearer auth (e.g., "Authorization: Bearer {{YOUR_SECRET_KEY}}"
The ID of the EndUser to receive this request (e.g., "Conductor-End-User-Id: {{END_USER_ID}}"
Path Parameters
The QuickBooks-assigned unique identifier of the sales receipt to retrieve.
The unique identifier assigned by QuickBooks to this sales receipt. This ID is unique across all transaction types.
The type of object. This value is always "qbd_sales_receipt"
The date and time when this sales receipt was created, in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss±hh:mm). The time zone is the same as the user's time zone in QuickBooks.
The date and time when this sales receipt was last updated, in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss±hh:mm). The time zone is the same as the user's time zone in QuickBooks.
The current QuickBooks-assigned revision number of this sales receipt object, which changes each time the object is modified. When updating this object, you must provide the most recent revisionNumber
to ensure you're working with the latest data; otherwise, the update will return an error.
The customer or customer-job to which the payment for this sales receipt is credited.
The sales receipt's class. Classes can be used to categorize objects into meaningful segments, such as department, location, or type of work. In QuickBooks, class tracking is off by default. A class defined here is automatically used in this sales receipt's line items unless overridden at the line item level.
The predefined template in QuickBooks that determines the layout and formatting for this sales receipt when printed or displayed.
The date of this sales receipt, in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD).
The case-sensitive user-defined reference number for this sales receipt, which can be used to identify the transaction in QuickBooks. This value is not required to be unique and can be arbitrarily changed by the QuickBooks user.
The sales receipt's billing address.
The sales receipt's shipping address.
Indicates whether this sales receipt has not been completed.
The check number of a check received for this sales receipt.
The sales receipt's payment method (e.g., cash, check, credit card).
The date by which this sales receipt must be paid, in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD).
NOTE: For sales receipts, this field is often null
because sales receipts are generally used for point-of-sale payments, where full payment is received at the time of purchase.
The sales receipt's sales representative. Sales representatives can be employees, vendors, or other names in QuickBooks.
The date when the products or services for this sales receipt were shipped or are expected to be shipped, in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD).
The shipping method used for this sales receipt, such as standard mail or overnight delivery.
The origin location from where the product associated with this sales receipt is shipped. This is the point at which ownership and liability for goods transfer from seller to buyer. Internally, QuickBooks uses the term "FOB" for this field, which stands for "freight on board". This field is informational and has no accounting implications.
The subtotal of this sales receipt, which is the sum of all sales receipt lines before taxes and payments are applied, represented as a decimal string.
The sales-tax item used to calculate the actual tax amount for this sales receipt's transactions by applying a specific tax rate collected for a single tax agency. Unlike salesTaxCode
, which only indicates general taxability, this field drives the actual tax calculation and reporting.
For sales receipts, while using this field to specify a single tax item/group that applies uniformly is recommended, complex tax scenarios may require alternative approaches. In such cases, you can set this field to a 0% tax item (conventionally named "Tax Calculated On Invoice") and handle tax calculations through line items instead. When using line items for taxes, note that only individual tax items (not tax groups) can be used, subtotals can help apply a tax to multiple items but only the first tax line after a subtotal is calculated automatically (subsequent tax lines require manual amounts), and the rate column will always display the actual tax amount rather than the rate percentage.
The sales tax percentage applied to this sales receipt, represented as a decimal string.
The total amount of sales tax charged for this sales receipt, represented as a decimal string.
The total monetary amount of this sales receipt, equivalent to the sum of the amounts in lines
and lineGroups
, represented as a decimal string.
The sales receipt's currency. For built-in currencies, the name and code are standard international values. For user-defined currencies, all values are editable.
The market exchange rate between this sales receipt's currency and the home currency in QuickBooks at the time of this transaction. Represented as a decimal value (e.g., 1.2345 for 1 EUR = 1.2345 USD if USD is the home currency).
The total monetary amount of this sales receipt converted to the home currency of the QuickBooks company file. Represented as a decimal string.
A memo or note for this sales receipt that appears in reports, but not on the sales receipt.
The message to display to the customer on the sales receipt.
Indicates whether this sales receipt is included in the queue of documents for QuickBooks to print.
Indicates whether this sales receipt is included in the queue of documents for QuickBooks to email to the customer.
The sales-tax code for this sales receipt, determining whether it is taxable or non-taxable. This can be overridden at the transaction-line level.
Default codes include "Non" (non-taxable) and "Tax" (taxable), but custom codes can also be created in QuickBooks. If QuickBooks is not set up to charge sales tax (via the "Do You Charge Sales Tax?" preference), it will assign the default non-taxable code to all sales.
The account where the funds for this sales receipt will be or have been deposited.
The credit card transaction data for this sales receipt's payment when using QuickBooks Merchant Services (QBMS).
A built-in custom field for additional information specific to this sales receipt. Unlike the user-defined fields in the customFields
array, this is a standard QuickBooks field that exists for all sales receipts for convenience. Developers often use this field for tracking information that doesn't fit into other standard QuickBooks fields. Unlike otherCustomField1
and otherCustomField2
, which are line item fields, this exists at the transaction level. Hidden by default in the QuickBooks UI.
A globally unique identifier (GUID) you, the developer, can provide for tracking this object in your external system. This field is immutable and can only be set during object creation.
The sales receipt's line items, each representing a single product or service sold.
The sales receipt's line item groups, each representing a predefined set of related items.
The custom fields for the sales receipt object, added as user-defined data extensions, not included in the standard QuickBooks object.