QuickBooks Desktop API
Core Resources
- Auth Sessions
- End Users
- All Transactions
- Bill Check Payments
- Bill Credit Card Payments
- Bills
- Checks
- Credit Card Charges
- Credit Card Credits
- Credit Memos
- Estimates
- Inventory Adjustments
- Invoices
- Journal Entries
- Purchase Orders
- Receive-Payments
- Sales Orders
- Sales Receipts
- Time Tracking Activities
- Transfers
- Vendor Credits
- Accounts
- Classes
- Customers / Jobs
- Date-Driven Terms
- Employees
- Inventory Sites
- Payroll Wage Items
- Sales Representatives
- Sales-Tax Codes
- Standard Terms
- Vendors
- Discount Items
- Inventory Assembly Items
- Inventory Items
- Non-Inventory Items
- Sales-Tax Items
- Service Items
- Subtotal Items
List all employees
Returns a list of employees. Use the cursor
parameter to paginate through the results.
import Conductor from 'conductor-node';
const client = new Conductor({
apiKey: process.env['CONDUCTOR_SECRET_KEY'], // This is the default and can be omitted
async function main() {
// Automatically fetches more pages as needed.
for await (const employee of client.qbd.employees.list({ conductorEndUserId: 'end_usr_1234567abcdefg' })) {
"objectType": "list",
"url": "/v1/quickbooks-desktop/employees",
"data": [
"id": "80000001-1234567890",
"objectType": "qbd_employee",
"createdAt": "2021-10-01T17:34:56.000Z",
"updatedAt": "2021-10-01T20:45:30.000Z",
"revisionNumber": "1721172183",
"name": "John Doe",
"isActive": true,
"salutation": "Dr.",
"firstName": "John",
"middleName": "A.",
"lastName": "Doe",
"jobTitle": "Purchasing Manager",
"supervisor": {
"id": "80000001-1234567890",
"fullName": "John Doe"
"department": "Sales",
"description": "This employee is a key employee.",
"targetBonus": "10000.00",
"address": {
"line1": "Conductor Labs Inc.",
"line2": "540 Market St.",
"line3": "Suite 100",
"line4": "",
"city": "San Francisco",
"state": "CA",
"postalCode": "94110",
"country": "United States"
"printAs": "John Doe",
"phone": "+1-555-123-4567",
"mobile": "+1-555-555-1212",
"pager": "+1-555-555-1212",
"pagerPin": "1234",
"alternatePhone": "+1-555-987-6543",
"fax": "+1-555-555-1212",
"ssn": "123-45-6789",
"email": "employee@example.com",
"customContactFields": [
"name": "Main Phone",
"value": "555-123-4567"
"emergencyContact": {
"primaryContact": {
"name": "Main Phone",
"value": "555-123-4567",
"relation": "spouse"
"secondaryContact": {
"name": "Main Phone",
"value": "555-123-4567",
"relation": "spouse"
"employeeType": "regular",
"employmentStatus": "full_time",
"overtimeExemptStatus": "exempt",
"keyEmployeeStatus": "key_employee",
"gender": "male",
"hiredDate": "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"originalHireDate": "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"adjustedServiceDate": "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"terminationDate": "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"birthDate": "1990-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"usCitizenshipStatus": "citizen",
"ethnicity": "asian",
"disabilityStatus": "disabled",
"disabilityDescription": "Cerebral Palsy",
"i9OnFileStatus": "on_file",
"workAuthorizationExpirationDate": "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"usVeteranStatus": "veteran",
"militaryStatus": "active",
"accountNumber": "1010",
"note": "This employee is a key employee.",
"additionalNotes": [
"id": 1,
"date": "2021-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"note": "This is a fun note."
"billingRate": {
"id": "80000001-1234567890",
"fullName": "Standard Rate"
"employeePayroll": {
"payPeriod": "weekly",
"class": {
"id": "80000001-1234567890",
"fullName": "Payroll"
"earnings": [
"payrollWageItem": {
"id": "80000001-1234567890",
"fullName": "Regular Pay"
"rate": "10.00",
"ratePercent": "10.5"
"useTimeDataToCreatePaychecks": "uses_time_data",
"sickHours": {
"hoursAvailable": "PT8H30M",
"accrualPeriod": "accrues_per_paycheck",
"hoursAccruedPerPeriod": "PT8H0M",
"maximumHours": "PT80H0M",
"resetsHoursEachYear": false,
"hoursUsed": "PT2H45M",
"accrualStartDate": "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
"vacationHours": {
"hoursAvailable": "PT8H30M",
"accrualPeriod": "accrues_per_paycheck",
"hoursAccruedPerPeriod": "PT8H0M",
"maximumHours": "PT80H0M",
"resetsHoursEachYear": false,
"hoursUsed": "PT2H45M",
"accrualStartDate": "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
"externalId": "12345678-abcd-1234-abcd-1234567890ab",
"customFields": [
"ownerId": "0",
"name": "Customer Rating",
"type": "string_1024_type",
"value": "Premium"
"nextCursor": "12345678-abcd-abcd-example-1234567890ab",
"remainingCount": 10,
"hasMore": true
Your Conductor secret key using Bearer auth (e.g., "Authorization: Bearer {{YOUR_SECRET_KEY}}"
The ID of the EndUser to receive this request (e.g., "Conductor-End-User-Id: {{END_USER_ID}}"
Query Parameters
Filter for specific employees by their QuickBooks-assigned unique identifier(s).
IMPORTANT: If you include this parameter, QuickBooks will ignore all other query parameters for this request.
NOTE: If any of the values you specify in this parameter are not found, the request will return an error.
Filter for specific employees by their name(s), case-insensitive. Like id
, name
is a unique identifier for an employee.
IMPORTANT: If you include this parameter, QuickBooks will ignore all other query parameters for this request.
NOTE: If any of the values you specify in this parameter are not found, the request will return an error.
["John Doe"]
The maximum number of objects to return. Accepts values ranging from 1 to 150, defaults to 150. When used with cursor-based pagination, this parameter controls how many results are returned per page. To paginate through results, combine this with the cursor
parameter. Each response will include a nextCursor
value that can be passed to subsequent requests to retrieve the next page of results.
1 <= x <= 150
The pagination token to fetch the next set of results when paginating with the limit
parameter. Do not include this parameter on the first call. Use the nextCursor
value returned in the previous response to request subsequent results.
Filter for employees that are active, inactive, or both.
, all
, inactive
Filter for employees updated on or after this date and time, in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss). If you only provide a date (YYYY-MM-DD), the time is assumed to be 00:00:00 of that day.
Filter for employees updated on or before this date and time, in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss). If you only provide a date (YYYY-MM-DD), the time is assumed to be 23:59:59 of that day.
Filter for employees whose name
contains this substring, case-insensitive. NOTE: If you use this parameter, you cannot also use nameStartsWith
or nameEndsWith
Filter for employees whose name
starts with this substring, case-insensitive. NOTE: If you use this parameter, you cannot also use nameContains
or nameEndsWith
Filter for employees whose name
ends with this substring, case-insensitive. NOTE: If you use this parameter, you cannot also use nameContains
or nameStartsWith
Filter for employees whose name
is alphabetically greater than or equal to this value.
Filter for employees whose name
is alphabetically less than or equal to this value.
The type of object. This value is always "list"
The endpoint URL where this list can be accessed.
The array of employees.
The unique identifier assigned by QuickBooks to this employee. This ID is unique across all employees but not across different QuickBooks object types.
The type of object. This value is always "qbd_employee"
The date and time when this employee was created, in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss±hh:mm). The time zone is the same as the user's time zone in QuickBooks.
The date and time when this employee was last updated, in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss±hh:mm). The time zone is the same as the user's time zone in QuickBooks.
The current QuickBooks-assigned revision number of this employee object, which changes each time the object is modified. When updating this object, you must provide the most recent revisionNumber
to ensure you're working with the latest data; otherwise, the update will return an error.
The case-insensitive unique name of this employee, unique across all employees. A concatenation of the employee's firstName
, middleName
, and lastName
NOTE: Employees do not have a fullName
field because they are not hierarchical objects, which is why name
is unique for them but not for objects that have parents.
"John Doe"
Indicates whether this employee is active. Inactive objects are typically hidden from views and reports in QuickBooks. Defaults to true
The employee's formal salutation title that precedes their name, such as "Mr.", "Ms.", or "Dr.".
The employee's first name.
The employee's middle name.
The employee's last name.
The employee's job title.
"Purchasing Manager"
The employee's supervisor. Found in the "employment job details" section of the employee's record in QuickBooks.
The unique identifier assigned by QuickBooks to this object. This ID is unique across all objects of the same type, but not across different QuickBooks object types.
The fully-qualified unique name for this object, formed by combining the names of its parent objects with its own name
, separated by colons. Not case-sensitive.
"id": "80000001-1234567890",
"fullName": "John Doe"
The employee's department. Found in the "employment job details" section of the employee's record in QuickBooks.
A description of this employee. Found in the "employment job details" section of the employee's record in QuickBooks.
"This employee is a key employee."
The target bonus for this employee, represented as a decimal string. Found in the "employment job details" section of the employee's record in QuickBooks.
The employee's address.
If the company uses QuickBooks Payroll for this employee, this address must specify a complete address, including city, state, ZIP (or postal) code, and at least one line of the street address.
The first line of the employee address (e.g., street, PO Box, or company name).
"Conductor Labs Inc."
The second line of the employee address, if needed (e.g., apartment, suite, unit, or building).
"540 Market St."
The third line of the employee address, if needed.
"Suite 100"
The fourth line of the employee address, if needed.
The city, district, suburb, town, or village name of the employee address.
"San Francisco"
The U.S. state of the employee address. QuickBooks requires this field to be a U.S. state abbreviation (e.g., "CA" for California). See enum for all possible values.
, armed_forces_americas
, armed_forces_europe
, armed_forces_pacific
, AK
, AL
, AR
, AZ
, CA
, CO
, CT
, DC
, DE
, FL
, GA
, HI
, IA
, ID
, IL
, IN
, KS
, KY
, LA
, MA
, MD
, ME
, MI
, MN
, MO
, MS
, MT
, NB
, NC
, ND
, NE
, NH
, NJ
, NM
, NV
, NY
, OH
, OK
, OR
, PA
, PR
, RI
, SC
, SD
, TN
, TX
, UT
, VA
, VT
, WA
, WI
, WV
, WY
The postal code or ZIP code of the employee address.
The country name of the employee address.
"United States"
The name to use when printing this employee from QuickBooks. By default, this is the same as the name
"John Doe"
The employee's primary telephone number.
The employee's mobile phone number.
The employee's pager number.
The employee's pager PIN.
The employee's alternate telephone number.
The employee's fax number.
The employee's Social Security Number. The value can be with or without dashes.
NOTE: This field cannot be changed after the employee is created.
The employee's email address.
Additional custom contact fields for this employee, such as phone numbers or email addresses.
The employee's emergency contacts.
The employee's primary emergency contact.
The name of the contact field (e.g., "old address", "secondary phone").
"Main Phone"
The value of the contact field.
The relationship of the employee to the employee.
, daughter
, father
, friend
, mother
, other
, partner
, sister
, son
, spouse
The employee's secondary emergency contact.
The name of the contact field (e.g., "old address", "secondary phone").
"Main Phone"
The value of the contact field.
The relationship of the employee to the employee.
, daughter
, father
, friend
, mother
, other
, partner
, sister
, son
, spouse
The employee type. This affects payroll taxes - a statutory employee is defined as an employee by statute. Note that owners/partners are typically on the "Other Names" list in QuickBooks, but if listed as an employee their type will be owner
, owner
, regular
, statutory
Indicates whether this employee is a part-time or full-time employee.
, part_time
Indicates whether this employee is exempt from overtime pay. This classification is based on U.S. labor laws (FLSA).
, non_exempt
Indicates whether this employee is a key employee.
, non_key_employee
This employee's gender.
, female
The date this employee was hired, in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD).
The original hire date for this employee, in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD).
The adjusted service date for this employee, in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD). This date accounts for previous employment periods or leaves that affect seniority.
The date this employee's employment ended with the company, in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD). This is also known as the released date or separation date.
This employee's date of birth, in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD).
Indicates whether this employee is a U.S. citizen.
, non_citizen
This employee's ethnicity.
, asian
, black
, hawaiian
, hispanic
, white
, two_or_more_races
Indicates whether this employee is disabled.
, non_disabled
A description of this employee's disability.
"Cerebral Palsy"
Indicates whether this employee's I-9 is on file.
, not_on_file
The date this employee's work authorization expires, in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD).
Indicates whether this employee is a U.S. veteran.
, non_veteran
This employee's military status if they are a U.S. veteran.
, reserve
The employee's account number, which appears in the QuickBooks chart of accounts, reports, and graphs.
Note that if the "Use Account Numbers" preference is turned off in QuickBooks, the account number may not be visible in the user interface, but it can still be set and retrieved through the API.
A note or comment about this employee.
"This employee is a key employee."
Additional notes about this employee.
The auto-incrementing identifier assigned by QuickBooks to this note.
The date this note was last updated, in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD).
The text of this note.
"This is a fun note."
The employee's billing rate, used to override service item rates in time tracking activities.
The unique identifier assigned by QuickBooks to this object. This ID is unique across all objects of the same type, but not across different QuickBooks object types.
The fully-qualified unique name for this object, formed by combining the names of its parent objects with its own name
, separated by colons. Not case-sensitive.
"id": "80000001-1234567890",
"fullName": "Standard Rate"
The employee's payroll information.
How frequently this employee is paid (e.g., weekly, biweekly, monthly). This determines the schedule for generating paychecks.
, daily
, monthly
, quarterly
, semimonthly
, weekly
, yearly
The employee's class. Classes can be used to categorize objects into meaningful segments, such as department, location, or type of work. In QuickBooks, class tracking is off by default.
The unique identifier assigned by QuickBooks to this object. This ID is unique across all objects of the same type, but not across different QuickBooks object types.
The fully-qualified unique name for this object, formed by combining the names of its parent objects with its own name
, separated by colons. Not case-sensitive.
"id": "80000001-1234567890",
"fullName": "Payroll"
The employee's earnings.
The payroll wage item that defines how this employee is paid (e.g., Regular Pay, Overtime Pay). This determines the payment scheme used for payroll calculations.
The unique identifier assigned by QuickBooks to this object. This ID is unique across all objects of the same type, but not across different QuickBooks object types.
The fully-qualified unique name for this object, formed by combining the names of its parent objects with its own name
, separated by colons. Not case-sensitive.
"id": "80000001-1234567890",
"fullName": "Regular Pay"
The hourly rate for this employee, represented as a decimal string.
The hourly rate for this employee expressed as a percentage.
Indicates whether this employee is using time-tracking data to create paychecks.
, not_set
, uses_time_data
The employee's sick hours, including how sick time is accrued and the total hours accrued.
The total number of sick hours currently available for the employee to use, in ISO 8601 format for time intervals (PTnHnMnS). For example, 1 hour and 30 minutes is represented as PT1H30M. Defaults to 0.
How frequently the employee's sick hours are accrued.
, accrues_hourly
, accrues_per_paycheck
The number of sick hours the employee will accrue per accrual period, in ISO 8601 format for time intervals (PTnHnMnS). For example, 1 hour and 30 minutes is represented as PT1H30M.
The maximum number of sick hours the employee can accrue, in ISO 8601 format for time intervals (PTnHnMnS). For example, 1 hour and 30 minutes is represented as PT1H30M.
Indicates whether the employee's sick hours reset to zero at the beginning of the new year.
The number of sick hours the employee has used, in ISO 8601 format for time intervals (PTnHnMnS). For example, 1 hour and 30 minutes is represented as PT1H30M.
The date the employee's sick hours began to accrue, in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD).
The employee's vacation hours, including how vacation time is accrued and the total hours accrued.
The total number of vacation hours currently available for the employee to use, in ISO 8601 format for time intervals (PTnHnMnS). For example, 1 hour and 30 minutes is represented as PT1H30M. Defaults to 0.
How frequently the employee's vacation hours are accrued.
, accrues_hourly
, accrues_per_paycheck
The number of vacation hours the employee will accrue per accrual period, in ISO 8601 format for time intervals (PTnHnMnS). For example, 1 hour and 30 minutes is represented as PT1H30M.
The maximum number of vacation hours the employee can accrue, in ISO 8601 format for time intervals (PTnHnMnS). For example, 1 hour and 30 minutes is represented as PT1H30M.
Indicates whether the employee's vacation hours reset to zero at the beginning of the new year.
The number of vacation hours the employee has used, in ISO 8601 format for time intervals (PTnHnMnS). For example, 1 hour and 30 minutes is represented as PT1H30M.
The date the employee's vacation hours began to accrue, in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD).
A globally unique identifier (GUID) you, the developer, can provide for tracking this object in your external system. This field is immutable and can only be set during object creation.
The custom fields for the employee object, added as user-defined data extensions, not included in the standard QuickBooks object.
The identifier of the owner of the custom field, which QuickBooks internally calls a "data extension". For public custom fields visible in the UI, such as those added by the QuickBooks user, this is always "0". For private custom fields that are only visible to the application that created them, this is a valid GUID identifying the owning application. Internally, Conductor always fetches all public custom fields (those with an ownerId
of "0") for all objects.
The name of the custom field, unique for the specified ownerId
. For public custom fields, this name is visible as a label in the QuickBooks UI.
"Customer Rating"
The data type of this custom field.
, date_time_type
, integer_type
, percent_type
, price_type
, quantity_type
, string_1024_type
, string_255_type
The value of this custom field. The maximum length depends on the field's data type.
The nextCursor
is a pagination token returned in the response when you use the limit
parameter in your request. To retrieve subsequent pages of results, include this token as the value of the cursor
request parameter in your following API calls.
NOTE: The nextCursor
value remains constant throughout the pagination process for a specific list instance; continue to use the same nextCursor
token in each request to fetch additional pages.
The number of objects remaining to be fetched.
Indicates whether there are more objects to be fetched.
import Conductor from 'conductor-node';
const client = new Conductor({
apiKey: process.env['CONDUCTOR_SECRET_KEY'], // This is the default and can be omitted
async function main() {
// Automatically fetches more pages as needed.
for await (const employee of client.qbd.employees.list({ conductorEndUserId: 'end_usr_1234567abcdefg' })) {
"objectType": "list",
"url": "/v1/quickbooks-desktop/employees",
"data": [
"id": "80000001-1234567890",
"objectType": "qbd_employee",
"createdAt": "2021-10-01T17:34:56.000Z",
"updatedAt": "2021-10-01T20:45:30.000Z",
"revisionNumber": "1721172183",
"name": "John Doe",
"isActive": true,
"salutation": "Dr.",
"firstName": "John",
"middleName": "A.",
"lastName": "Doe",
"jobTitle": "Purchasing Manager",
"supervisor": {
"id": "80000001-1234567890",
"fullName": "John Doe"
"department": "Sales",
"description": "This employee is a key employee.",
"targetBonus": "10000.00",
"address": {
"line1": "Conductor Labs Inc.",
"line2": "540 Market St.",
"line3": "Suite 100",
"line4": "",
"city": "San Francisco",
"state": "CA",
"postalCode": "94110",
"country": "United States"
"printAs": "John Doe",
"phone": "+1-555-123-4567",
"mobile": "+1-555-555-1212",
"pager": "+1-555-555-1212",
"pagerPin": "1234",
"alternatePhone": "+1-555-987-6543",
"fax": "+1-555-555-1212",
"ssn": "123-45-6789",
"email": "employee@example.com",
"customContactFields": [
"name": "Main Phone",
"value": "555-123-4567"
"emergencyContact": {
"primaryContact": {
"name": "Main Phone",
"value": "555-123-4567",
"relation": "spouse"
"secondaryContact": {
"name": "Main Phone",
"value": "555-123-4567",
"relation": "spouse"
"employeeType": "regular",
"employmentStatus": "full_time",
"overtimeExemptStatus": "exempt",
"keyEmployeeStatus": "key_employee",
"gender": "male",
"hiredDate": "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"originalHireDate": "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"adjustedServiceDate": "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"terminationDate": "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"birthDate": "1990-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"usCitizenshipStatus": "citizen",
"ethnicity": "asian",
"disabilityStatus": "disabled",
"disabilityDescription": "Cerebral Palsy",
"i9OnFileStatus": "on_file",
"workAuthorizationExpirationDate": "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"usVeteranStatus": "veteran",
"militaryStatus": "active",
"accountNumber": "1010",
"note": "This employee is a key employee.",
"additionalNotes": [
"id": 1,
"date": "2021-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"note": "This is a fun note."
"billingRate": {
"id": "80000001-1234567890",
"fullName": "Standard Rate"
"employeePayroll": {
"payPeriod": "weekly",
"class": {
"id": "80000001-1234567890",
"fullName": "Payroll"
"earnings": [
"payrollWageItem": {
"id": "80000001-1234567890",
"fullName": "Regular Pay"
"rate": "10.00",
"ratePercent": "10.5"
"useTimeDataToCreatePaychecks": "uses_time_data",
"sickHours": {
"hoursAvailable": "PT8H30M",
"accrualPeriod": "accrues_per_paycheck",
"hoursAccruedPerPeriod": "PT8H0M",
"maximumHours": "PT80H0M",
"resetsHoursEachYear": false,
"hoursUsed": "PT2H45M",
"accrualStartDate": "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
"vacationHours": {
"hoursAvailable": "PT8H30M",
"accrualPeriod": "accrues_per_paycheck",
"hoursAccruedPerPeriod": "PT8H0M",
"maximumHours": "PT80H0M",
"resetsHoursEachYear": false,
"hoursUsed": "PT2H45M",
"accrualStartDate": "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
"externalId": "12345678-abcd-1234-abcd-1234567890ab",
"customFields": [
"ownerId": "0",
"name": "Customer Rating",
"type": "string_1024_type",
"value": "Premium"
"nextCursor": "12345678-abcd-abcd-example-1234567890ab",
"remainingCount": 10,
"hasMore": true